Executive Director Vin Vassallo Above
A seasoned leader with both national and international experience in the development and delivery of infrastructure across many disciplines.
Vin is outcome focused with a results driven approach to complex business challenges and projects. He has lead the successful execution of well-defined strategies and many major business deal negotiations.
A direct, yet approachable way of getting it done.
Vin’s experience and knowledge is widely recognised and highly respected across the industry, as is his understanding of the multitude of stakeholder perspectives.
Our clients benefit from Vin's previous roles including;
Executive and subsidiary Directorships at top 10 ASX listed company Transurban
both in Australia and North America.
Executive Regional Manager for Abigroup Contractors, a tier 1 Australian infrastructure contractor.
Leading the delivery of major infrastructure projects for Australia's most highly regarded companies including Abigroup Contractors, Lend Lease and Civil & Civic.